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Fountain City Auction
Internet only. 1st lot starts coming down at 7:00 pm est, Friday’s and 2:00 pm est. for Saturday sales. Lots come down in 30 second increments unless someone bids in the last 5 minutes; then that lot is extended for 5 more minutes.
Fountain City Auction is a Federal Firearms Licensed Dealer. We do background checks on all firearms purchases. We also adhere to all state and federal regulations for firearms and any other items we place in our auctions.
Please bring help to load your furniture.
There is a 14% buyer’s premium on all sales.

Fountain City Auction
Our Facilities
Fountain City Auction has a comfortable 10,000 sq. ft. heated and cooled facility.
Our professional and friendly staff will be happy to answer any questions you may have about items at the auction.
If you have items you would like to sell, please contact one of our staff for more information. We offer consignment services and also purchase full and partial estates.

Auctions are held on Fridays at 7:00 pm and some Saturdays at 2:00 pm. Our facility is open from 9 am to 5 pm Monday through Thursday. Preview day for auction items is Thursdays from 9 am to 5 pm.
Click here to see the auction schedule for exact dates and times and to preview items in our upcoming sales.
Contact Us
Office: (865) 474-9931
Cell: (865) 604-3468
Hours: Mon-Thurs 9AM-5PM • Friday-Sunday Closed
Interstate I-75 at the Merchants Drive exit at 4109 Central Avenue Pike in Knoxville, Tennessee